type_capsules & tablets

  • N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) is an amino acid that boosts antioxidant function and is a source of the conditionally essential amino acid L-cysteine. It has also been found to raise glutathione levels. Glutathione is an important antioxidant used in many different metabolic processes within the body. Maintaining adequate levels is important to maintaining the health of the respiratory, hepatic, and immune systems. It is also important in supporting antioxidant protection of lipids and proteins and supporting the normal response to inflammation. NAC is commonly used as an agent to help clear sinus and airway congestion caused by mucus overproduction. It also supports antioxidant and cellular detoxification pathways in the body. Each capsule of the N-Acetyl Cysteine formulation includes 500 mg of this versatile amino acid.

  • DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands and is a precursor to both androgens and estrogens. Androgens and estrogens help regulate fat metabolism and stabilize energy levels. Additionally, normal androgen and estrogen levels are the keystone to healthy endocrine and reproductive function. Multiple dosage forms are offered because the amount of DHEA needed to restore normal hormone levels can be dependent on individual biochemistry, age, and gender. Nutrascriptives® DHEA is micronized, meaning it has been ground to a very small size to improve absorption by the body. DHEA is fat-soluble, so this supplement should be consumed with fat to maximize absorption. Nutrascriptives® DHEA-SR is a micronized sustained release formula that has been formulated to maintain DHEA levels throughout the day.

  • Boluoke

    120 Capsules

    Boluoke (lumbrokinase) is a revolutionary product with a special ability to balance the body's clotting system and maintain a healthy circulation. The main ingredient found in Boluoke is a group of earthworm enzymes collectively called Lumbrokinase.

  • Digestzyme

    90 Capsules

    Because of our hectic lifestyle, and the way we often consume food that is frequently overcooked, digestion can often be less than optimal. A thorough digestion of foodstuffs with enzymes prevents foods from being fermented in the gut and the proliferation of “bad” bacteria and yeast at the expense of “good” intestinal bacteria. Another benefit of enzymes is that more nutrition can be derived from food. In addition, regular bowel movements result from this better digestion. Digestzyme is specifically designed to support digestion and help unlock more nutrition from food. Digestzyme is a comprehensive blend of acid-resistant, plant-based enzymes designed to help maximize the digestion and absorption of nutrients from food. Each capsule includes lipase, amylase, lactase, CereCalase® and protease to aid in the digestion of protein, fat, starches, fiber and other difficult to digest foods known to cause food sensitivities. CereCalase®, a special blend of hemicellulase, beta-glucanase and phytase, is specially formulated to digest the cell walls of plants, providing better nutrition from a plant-based diet. Digestzyme also includes Gentian root, a traditional bitter herb, and artichoke, a natural choleretic, added to stimulate the body’s natural production of enzymes and bile.

  • Magnesium is an abundant mineral in the body and is found naturally in many foods, like green leafy vegetables. It is also found in over-the-counter medications, such as laxatives. The average American intake of magnesium, according to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES Study) is critically low: Many Americans fail to consume the estimated average requirement (EAR) established by the Institute of Medicine. In addition, more than 57% of the population does not meet the United States Department of Agriculture requirements for magnesium in the diet. Intracellular magnesium levels are decreased by excessive intake of alcohol, salt, coffee, phosphoric acid found in sodas, diets high in calcium and high stress levels. Because of widespread nature of magnesium deficiencies, adequate daily intake of magnesium is critical for proper hydration, stress response, muscle relaxation, promoting healthy blood pressure levels, optimal bone mineral density, and blood sugar regulation. Reacted Magnesium provides three unique forms of highly-absorbed magnesium to ensure maximum absorption of this important macromineral. Most magnesium supplements use only a single source of magnesium, which can easily overwhelm a single pathway of absorption and limit uptake. Reacted Magnesium takes advantage of three unique pathways of absorption by providing magnesium as di-magnesium malate, magnesium citrate and magnesium glycinate for enhanced absorption, improved utilization and gastrointestinal (GI) comfort. Some individuals, who take other forms of magnesium supplements, often experience GI side effects, including gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation or a combination of these symptoms. The forms of magnesium used in Reacted Magnesium preserve GI comfort while maximizing absorption and restoring magnesium levels in the body.

  • CoQ10 100mg

    30 Capsules

    CoQ10 is a lipid-soluble antioxidant found in every cell in the body. CoQ10 is abundant in the mitochondrial membrane and plays an important role in the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a molecule of chemical energy upon which all cellular functions depend. The synthesis of ATP within the mitochondria is a multi-step series of biochemical reactions called the electron transport chain. As a coenzyme, CoQ10 is required for several enzymatic reactions required to produce cellular energy and to protect the body against free radicals produced during this process. To maintain energy production, mitochondrial CoQ10 is continuously recycled from ubiquinone, its ATP production state, to ubiquinol, its antioxidant state. After the age of 35 to 40 years, endogenous synthesis of CoQ10 begins to decline. CoQ10, an essential component of cellular energy production, has been shown to extend cell life and benefit high-energy systems, namely the cardiovascular, neurological and immune systems. The CoQ-10 formulation is delivered in an oil-based proprietary form and includes natural vitamin E for enhanced absorption and maximum stability.

  • Bone Build

    180 Capsules

    Cal Apatite Bone Builder Forte is an excellent bone support formula that features extra MCHC (1.9 g per serving). This comprehensive formulation also supplies beneficial levels of vitamin D—a nutrient essential for bone health.

  • PureHMO® prebiotic is a high-purity human milk oligosaccharide with multiple health functions originally found in mothers' milk. PureHMO® is produced by fermentation of lactose and purified to an unprecedented purity of 98%. PureHMO® prebiotic offers more benefits than traditional oligosaccharides like GOS, FOS, and inulin due to its specific structure and unique functionality to support gut health, immune function, and brain cognition: Gut Digestive Health: HMO prebiotic powder promotes the growth of probiotics like Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, and a healthy gut environment. Immune Support: HMOs are more effective than non-human prebiotics in stimulating innate immune simulators and inhibiting invasions & inflammation. Cognitive Health: Unlike other prebiotics for adults, HMO metabolites can promote brain development, neuronal transmission, and cognition

  • Stress/Wired

    60 Capsules

    This product contains a blend of adaptogenic botanicals and nutrients specifically formulated to counteract the effects of daily stress and support healthy energy levels. This product provides a unique blend of “stress adapting botanicals” that support the body’s resistance to fatigue and help to maintain balanced cortisol and DHEA levels.

  • Inflamma-Shield

    90 Capsules

    Inflammation is a natural part of the body’s immune response, a cascade triggered to protect the body and maintain normal tissue repair. This physiological response is part of the innate immune or non-specific immune system, a first line of defense comprising the cells and mechanisms that defend against unwanted organisms in a non-specific manner. The inflammatory cascade is mediated by eicosanoids, which have been shown to balance inflammation and immunemodulating cytokines. Inflamma-Shield provides a blend of nutrients which support a healthy inflammatory cycle by balancing eicosanoid and cytokine metabolism and inhibiting the activities and synthesis of a wide variety of compounds implicated in pain and inflammation. Traumeric is formulated specifically to support healthy inflammatory balance and musculoskeletal health. Inflamma-Shield includes key ingredient turmeric, standardized to include 95% of curcumin. Inflamma-Shield also includes the pineapple enzyme bromelain, as well as flavonoids quercetin and rutin for full-spectrum, high-intensity support to maintain a balanced cycle of inflammation.

  • Concentrated Ultra Prostagen features concentrated extracts of saw palmetto and nettle combined with other select nutrients to support healthy prostate and urinary function.

  • D-Hist

    120 Capsules

    Natural D-Hist is a targeted blend of flavonoids, antioxidants, proteolytic enzymes and botanicals designed to provide comprehensive support for seasonal challenges caused by common environmental allergens. The formula includes quercetin, bromelain, stinging nettles leaf, and N-acetyl cysteine. The powerful combination actively promotes healthy nasal and sinus passages for individuals with elevated histamine and respiratory irritation.
