Integrative Psychiatry and Brain Health
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Integrative Medicine is an emerging discipline that not only bridges the existing disciplines of psychiatry psychology, but provides a scientifically-based framework that synthesizes the rest of physiology, biochemistry and other health dimensions such as social support and spirituality, which collectively contribute to brain and body health and overall well-being. Patients who have not tolerated or not responded optimally to traditional treatments are also good candidates for integrative approaches. This new edition of Integrative Psychiatry and Brain Health reflects the tremendous advances in science that allude to mechanisms of action that weave together seemingly unrelated disciplines for the promotion of health and wellness.
Part of the Weil Integrative Medicine Library, this volume provides a rational and evidence-based approach to the integrative therapy of mental disorders, integrating the principles of alternative and complementary therapies into the principles and practice of conventional psychiatry and psychology. Integrative Psychiatry and Brain Health examines what works and what doesn't, and offers practical guidelines for physicians to incorporate integrative medicine into their practice and to advise patients on reasonable and effective therapies. The text discusses areas of controversy and identifies areas of uncertainty where future research is needed. Chapters also cite the best available evidence for both the safety and the efficacy of all therapies discussed. The information is presented in accessible and easy-to-read formats, including clinical pearls and key points.
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